Monday, 20 February 2017


This morning we began by discussing what symmetry was and how we could show it using lego.

After that, we had a variety of different shapes we were looking at and labelling the different lines of symmetry in each one. As a challenge we then had to redraw a harder shape ensuring it was symmetrical on both sides and some children had a go at applying this knowledge to SATs style questions!


Today we have focused a lot on challenging ourselves in the swimming pool. Every single day, we challenge ourselves regularly in the classroom, in fact we are eager to do so. However, when some of us enter the swimming pool that want for challenge disappears and it becomes difficult to progress as our lack of confidence takes over. This week in swimming there were 6 individuals who really stood out to Miss McMunn - Dylan, Archie, Olivia, Oliver, Finlay and Marika. These guys really struggled with swimming at the start however today they have been not only swimming confidently across the pool, but also focusing on their level of challenge, pushing themselves constantly to go for the hardest challenge. Well done guys!

Friday, 10 February 2017

Last week of term

We've had a lovely last week of term. Here are some pictures of some of the things we've been doing.

We were practising using punctuation in the correct places when using inverted commas ready for showcasing our newspaper reports.

Keagan showed us what he'd been learning at his guitar lessons.

We received replies from Rand Farm Park, Nestle, Liverpool Football Club and Eskimoo.

Finally, we sorted shapes based on their properties. We are all well ready for a break - see you after half term!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Lego Robots

This afternoon we have begun exploring Lego WeDo. At first we were very loud and full of excitement as the lego was pulled out the cupboard, however, Miss McMunn could not believe how quiet we all became while we were following the instructions to build the lego robots.

After we had built the robots we had to follow more instructions to learn how to code them so they could move. After we begun to understand what all the different buttons meant, we could then get the robots to do different things including flash different coloured lights and increase and decrease it's speed.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Liverpool Football Club

Today, Henley received a letter...

As he opened it he realised it was from his favourite football team, Liverpool Football Club.

The more we read, we realised, as they already help many different charities, they would not be able to help us at this time. Despite this, Henley was blown away by the fact he received a letter from one of his heroes! Well done Henley.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Writing and Maths Week 4

This week in maths we have been completing our learning all about fractions and decimals. We have converted fractions to decimals, compared and ordered decimals and rounded them to the nearest whole number! We finished off the week by showcasing all of our learning and WOW - it was amazing!

In writing this week, we have begun our learning about newpaper articles. We have only just started with our launchpad today but we had a fantastic discussion while watch Newsround about whether Donald Trump made the right choice with his ban on certain countries. We will continue with our newspaper articles next week so please keep looking on our blog!

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Posting our letters

This week we wrote our final drafts of the letters to different businesses. We wrote to a variety of different businesses in the hope they would donate us a raffle prize for our Family Fun Day which is on Saturday 25th March.
We can see some of these letters on our Pobble page!

We have been lucky enough to already have received replies from Nestle and Eskimoo. Watch this space to see what other replies we receive. 

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Friendship Artwork

We have created some wonderful pieces of friendship artwork this week. We based this on our draft a few weeks back but tried to ensure we were representing friendship in some way. We worked in pairs to create a variety of collages and then explained how they represented artwork. Some children explained how they used red as that was their team colour, some wrote the names of all their friends on their work and some people used two colours to create one picture as it represented the differences in their personalities merging together to create a friendship.