Thursday, 8 December 2016

Class Council - 8th December

Henley is joining Birchwood Colts
Olivia is hoping to get a dog soon
It's Bradley's dad's birthday today
Chloe is going to start walking her dog
Etienne has got a new elf that leaves her letters
It's Domenyk's birthday in 5 days
Alex went to the fire station with cubs last night
Harley showed his diary that he writes in while his dad is away

What would be like in our new classroom? A sofa, a tub chair, a soft comfy area, paper chain decorations, a reading area, a friendship art area, foot stools.
Could we have an art afternoon soon? We could make hearts and write on them what we are thankful for. These could be hung around the classroom.
How can we make sure we are not getting involved in other people's business?
- Make sure you don't listen into other people's conversations
- Worry about what YOU are doing
- Stop telling tales
It is okay to be different. We discussed all our differences and what makes us special.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Measurement launchpad

On Thursday, we joint with Class 8 to complete the launch pad for our measurement topic. There were lots of shapes dotted around the hall and we had to measure their sides. Some children even decided to figure out their perimeter and area.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Novel Study

This week in novel study we created silhouette paintings based on the description given in the book. Here are some pictures of our lesson:

Friday, 25 November 2016

Free time treats

If we earn enough dojos during the week we get 30 minutes of free time on a Friday afternoon. This week we spent it watching Planet Earth. It was very gripping!

Thursday, 24 November 2016

New books

It was a very exciting day today as we received some brand new books for our classroom. We spent the morning reading them, making predictions, explaining why we liked the books and creating sparkly new bookmarks! We love reading!

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Insight Day Reminder

Hello all!

This is just a reminder that our Insight Day will take place on Saturday 10th December, 10am-12pm in the Waterside. All children are invited to come and talk to the public about their learning over the past term however will need an adult supervising them for the time they are there.

We hope to see lots of friends and relatives there!

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Kendrew Barracks - School Trip

Not only were we lucky enough to receive a visit from an Olympic Athlete today, we also had our trip to Kendrew Barracks.

We started the trip with lunch in the actually area where all the soldiers send their lunch.

After that, we were shown inside the hangers where they had a model of the area they were visiting in Kenya. The soldier explained that they use this to plan their enemy attacks.

After that the soldiers came to show us their drill and then they taught us how to march. It was quit tricky because we had to remember our lefts and rights.

The final part of the day included trying different equipment. This was the best part of the day - we even got to try different rations!

Overall, we had an fantastic day and we would like to thank the soldiers of Kendrew Barracks for their amazing kindness and generosity on this day. We can't wait to see them on our Incite Day on 10th December.

Olympic Athlete - Grant Turner

This morning we were so lucky to have received a visit from the Olympic Swimmer, Grant Turner. We had such an amazing time completing the activities which included the spotty dog, press ups, star jumps and leg drives.

Unfortunately we weren't able to go to the assembly held by Grant but we have heard that his was incredible and we would love to see him again in the future.

Thank you Grant for coming to see us!

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Can we plan an experiment?

Today we designed our own scientific experiment looking at whether height or fricition affected speed.  Here are some pictures of us completing our experiments.

Class council - faiths and religions

I might have my hair cut
I might go to toys r us
Last Sunday I got minecraft story mode
Me and Oliver ordered some toys
Harley came to mine
It's my birthday and it's Rememberance day tomorrow

I am worrying about going to the disco
Never been to a disco

Discussions - faiths and religions:
What religions do we know?

Muslim,buddist,Christions,Jewish,Hindu and Sikh

We looked at pictures of different People who follow different religions. We discussed that anyone can be any religions they choose. We didn't know that Orlando Bloom was Buddhist and Natalie Portman was Jewish. We discussed whether skin colour affected which religion we could follow and we realised your religion doesn't depend on your age, race, origin etc. You can follow any religion you choose.

Written by Bradley

PE - circuit training

The first station is doing 30 seconds of press-ups and giving them amazing critique, then giving them a reflection. The most common suggestion about the press-ups was they was sticking there bums in the air.

The second station was doing 30 seconds of sit-ups the good thing was that they bent there legs and the suggestion was pulling there head.

The fird station is 39 seconds of star jumps then critique and then the reflection about 2 reflections and 2 good reflections.

The fourth station is 30 seconds of every think and then after you do that you get 5 minutes of rest.

Written by Conner 

Monday, 7 November 2016


Well done to the following people who have moved into the deep end this week at swimming:

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Preparing for our memorial service

Today we helped Mrs Archer to weed the memorial patch ready for our memorial service next week. We are inviting all of the community to our memorial service on Friday 11th November at 3:45pm. There will be drinks in the heart from 3pm onwards so please come and join us. We will also be performing our song, 'Sing'.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Lunch date

We were so lucky today that we received another visit from Sergeant Mick Speight. This time he brought an obstacle course with him and lots of army food! We were able to try different pastas, museli, curry, dessert and lots of powered drinks! The food tasted very different to what we were used to but still very tasty.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Data handling

We have created the final drafts of our bar charts. We asked people the types of things they would expect to see at a memorial service including refreshments, entertainment and the type of venue.
Then we walked into the classroom to find lots of questions hanging from the ceiling. They made us question what we had done in our bar charts and got us thinking about the results we had received.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Changes to swimming

Here are the changes occurring with swimming from October half term until December half term. All children will now be swimming on Monday mornings, however due to the timetable constraints with the swimming pool we will need to share the swimming sessions over the weeks. Below are the dates when your children will need their swimming kits:

Class 7 - Monday 31st October, Monday 7th November, Monday 14th November

Class 8 - Monday 21st November, Monday 28th November, Monday 5th December

Monday 12th December – Class 7 and 8 fun splash

Dates for your diary!

We have had a fantastic start to the year and therefore to develop our understanding of our army topic further we have planned a variety of days we would love you to be part of.

Lunch date
On Tuesday 1st November we will be holding an afternoon of army-based activities including problem solving and food tasting. Please come and join us from 1:30pm.

Memorial service

Y4 will be holding this year’s memorial service at 3:45pm on Friday 11th November and would like to invite their family members to join them. There will be refreshments available in the heart before the service. The children will be reading their own poetry and singing Gary Barlow’s ‘Sing’ that they have worked very hard towards. Please collect your child from 4pm on this day or speak to your child’s teacher you would not like them to attend.

Lest we forget

Today we were given the question 'What is armistice day?' Although we had never heard of this before, we realised that it was actually very similar to what we now know as 'Remembrance Day'. We learnt a lot of information and look forward to using this when planning our Remembrance Day celebrations.